Report a Sighting
Any one that wishes to report a sighting and that who attaches files to this report must acknowledge that attachments such as videos, photographs, drawings and documents should not contain any compromising personal information or UFO/UAP Disclosure cannot guarantee your anonymity.
Examples would be as follows but not
limited to:
1) Naming any documentation with personal details that reveal your own home, name or personal details you do not wish shared publicly.
2) Naming a photo, drawing or document with your address.
3) Providing a photo of your home or place of work.
4) Providing us with yours or another's your military record without written consent that MUST proven.
5) Providing a photo of your face or that of anyone who does not wish or consent to having there likeness shown.
6) Providing a photo/s of other witnesses faces with names and or any personal details.
7) Providing your “exact” geographical latitude and longitude in a photo or video or text document.
8)Personal information in the text of the report you submit will be treated as private and confidential. 9)Attachments might be seen by other members. 10)Please keep all personal information limited to your report narrative and contact details.
Upon the submission of this report, the person or persons reporting do acknowledge and agree that they forfeit and release UFO/UAP Disclosure from any liability, claims, damages, or actions arising out of or related to the content of the report including its submitted media, its accuracy, or any consequences resulting from its use or dissemination. This forfeiture of liability includes, but is not limited to, any legal, financial, or reputational consequences that may arise.
You have been warned!